Entry will be free-of-charge for all residents of Laško. Upon presentation of an identity document at one of the four entry points, you will receive a UV stamp that allows free entry on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There is no entry fee on Sunday.

Entry to the event is permitted for persons over 16 years of age. Persons under the age of 16 are not allowed to enter unless accompanied by their parents or other legal guardians.

Locations for Laško residents where you can arrange free entry during the festival:

  • The square in front of the Cultural Centre – from 16:00 to 22:00
  • Savinjsko nabrežje – from 18:00 to 1:00
  • Kidričeva ulica – from 18:00 to 1:00
  • Trubarjeva ulica – from 18:00 to 1:00


All Laško residents who are temporarily unable to use their parking lots because of the festival will be able to park for free at all official festival parking lots upon presentation of an identity document.